Training materials

Additional resources
As part of its Global Action Plan in Mental Health, 2013-2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched "the mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) for mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders in non-specialist health settings

The mhGAP Intervention Guide is often referred to in the eLearning modules.

You can access the version 2.0 of the mhGAP guide via the relevant page of the WHO website:

  • the mhGAP guide is available in English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian, Ukranian, Russian and Marathi
  • on this page, you will also get links to numerous mental health resources developed by the WHO

There is also an interactive version of this guide as an application available for smartphones and tablets (Android & Apple/iOS)
These applications can be downloaded from Google store & Apple store :